08月07 Can The Buzzy Emsculpt Procedure Really Give You Abs?
Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a two-inch pinchable ring around my belly button, which I lovingly call “my doughnut.” It’s a stubborn little thing that hasn’t budged even with weight loss, a squeaky-clean diet, or five-times-a-week workouts.

So when I heard about Emsculpt, a new noninvasive, FDA-cleared, no-risk treatment that promises to build ab muscles and help flatten tummies, it sounded like the miracle I’d been waiting for. I’d be lying if I said aesthetics weren’t the initial lure.
But as a highly active, health-first person who knows the downside of abdominal fat (increased risk for heart disease) and the upside to a strong core (improved running and lifting, better balance and posture, and less back, neck, and knee pain) I was even more drawn in. And perhaps the best part: All it required was lying flat on a table, hooked up to a sleek machine.
How Emsculpt Works
Most body-shaping treatments are designed to eliminate fat or tighten skin using lasers or ultrasound, but Emsculpt’s sole purpose is to firm specific areas—currently, the abs or butt—by upping muscle mass. (Clinical research shows an average 19 percent increase in muscle thickness six to nine months post-treatment.)

To achieve this, the machine emits high-intensity electromagnetic pulses to force muscular contractions—the equivalent of doing 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes—thus strengthening muscle fibers in a previously impossible amount of time. The fat loss—a 19 percent reduction—is actually just a welcome (and proven) side effect, one that can make a legit difference to your heart health.
As it turns out, I was the ideal candidate: fit but not super toned, with a few (not 20-plus) extra pounds of fat and no internal metal instruments (like an IUD), which mess with the magnetic waves.
An Honest Review Of My Emsculpt Results
My stomach didn’t look much different after my first session, but it felt harder when I poked it. At the gym after my second treatment, I swear my torso was sturdier during rows and lunges. After the third visit, I could hold planks for two straight minutes.
Your treatment plan will begin with a consultation at Dermatology & Skin Health, during which you will get to discuss your aesthetic goals. After determining that EMSCULPT is the right course of action for you, we will develop a treatment plan that meets your needs.
The procedure is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation. Treatments last 30 minutes, with minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2-3 days apart. The EMSCULPT procedure feels like an intensive workout, but you can lay down and relax during the treatment.

Want to know more? Please pay attention to future articles!
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