08月24 Lipo Laser Slimming System
The Lipo Laser Plus slimming system is a low-level laser designed to get rid of body fat and shape and tone the skin without surgery.
Lipo Laser results of a pilot study were presented to the American Society of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery in 2008, and the procedure received FDA clearance. The low-level laser helped patients lose an average of 5-6 inches from their waists, hips and thighs in a matter of a few weeks!

The Lipo Laser Plus slimming system works by emitting cold laser energy into the body tissues; this energy is absorbed by the body fat, and the fat is broken down and then channeled out of the body. The laser virtually stimulates the breakdown and removal of body fat, without affecting the surrounding skin and tissues.
Effective Breast Reduction Using Lipo Laser

How Can the Lipo Laser Slimming System Help Me?
This system provides patients with a safer alternative to surgical procedures, which can result in bruising, swelling, and damage to other tissues. There is no need to wear compression garments or bandages with this slimming system. Since there is no pain, there is no need for anesthesia. Unlike other non-invasive approaches, the Lipo Laser Plus slimming system does not rely on heating tissue, which can cause discomfort. There is no downtime, so patients can resume their normal activities immediately.
- No downtime
- No incisions or marks from the treatment
- No need to wear compression garments
- Ongoing fat loss days and weeks after treatment
- No reported side effects

What Are Some of the Applications?
Body slimming (cellulite reduction and topical contouring)
Fat hoarding around abdomen and waist
Fatty buttocks
Leg obesity with cellulite deposit
Fatty arms with skin laxity
Is Everyone Eligible for Lipo Laser Treatments?
The Lipo Laser Plus is suitable for anyone wishing to reduce size,
- Pacemaker and defibrillator in body
- With skin diseases or cancer history
- With other serious disease, such as heart disease
- Pregnancy (gestation period) and breast feeding
- Menses
The following points are often questioned and ARE NOT
contraindicated or cautioned:
Pins – metal plates – plastic implants
Click Here To View Our 5D LIPO LASER MACHINE Product Information
How Many Lipo Laser Plus Treatments Are Required?
It is important that the patient be committed to the recommended lifestyle protocol, which includes at least 6 treatments every other day for each target area and not to exceed 72 hours between treatments. If more than 72 hours intervene, some of the fat may be taken up by the fat cells again.

Patients can start seeing results even after the first treatment or shortly after, as their clothes fit more loosely!
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