09月21 Some common questions about Emslim beauty machine
What result can I expect?
In 7 independent, multi-center clinical studies, consistent results were recorded in both muscle gain and fat loss.
These studies have been conducted using MRI, Ultrasound, CT Scans and tissue histology.
For the abdomen treatment, an overall improvement of abdominal tone, strengthening of the abdominal muscles and a firmer abdomen.
For the buttock treatment, you can expect to see an overall strengthening, toning and firming of buttocks.
When will I see results?
You’ll begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment.
Positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments.

How long the results last?
Em-slim beauty has shown in studies to cause apoptosis, which is irreversible cell death. The results are thus long lasting.
Clinical studies show these results are fully maintained 3 to 6 months post treatments. Previous general research also confirms that after intense exercise, muscles preserve gains and improvement for at least 6 months.
Am I going kill fat when treating the buttocks?
It was proven by multiple studies that buttock fat is less metabolic active than fat in abdomen.
Because of this, the body does not respond to Em-slim beauty procedure with fat apoptosis when treating the buttocks.
Are there any side effects?
Magnetic technology has been around for decades and its safety has been proven through dozens of studies.
The only tissue responsive to the energy are motor neurons, therefore it has no effects on other tissues including the organs.
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